Abstract. In the majority of these influences parameters describing them are known. Nevertheless, in the case of
vibration is not always simple to determine their parameters, especially when the source is located outside. The paper
presents problems associated with the building loads generating by the subway passages. Moving subway train in a
tunnel, through the layout of the track, transfers energy to the housing tunnel, then to the ground which then propagates
in the ground layers to the building. This causes movement of foundations generating kinematic excitation for the entire
facility. Generally way of propagation of vibration is complex. During designing new facility, it is possible – at its future
location – to measure vibration level of existing sources on the ground. Soil movements in the vicinity of the foundation
of the house are not the same – they are quite often very different from each other. This is related to wave transitions
through the border between the different soil layers. Therefore there is a need to determine the transfer function between
the vibrations registered on the soil and potential real construction loadings. Such analysis were made for an existing
building with six floors loaded with excitations caused by movement of the subway in a nearby tunnel. According to
Polish Standard PN-85/B-02170 (“Hazard rating of vibrations transmitted through the ground to the buildings”) only
vibrations with frequency up to 100Hz in terce octave bands (1/3 octave) were considered. As is apparent from the
analysis the global amplitude value of vibrations registered on the ground is several times less than on the foundation
of the building. However, in particular one-third octave bands (up to several Hz) it may happen that the acceleration
vibration of the foundation is higher than on the surrounding terrain. Increased amplitudes may be important in the
effort analysis of structure cross-sections as well as the effects of vibrations on people staying inside. Therefore, the
problem of loading building with vibrations caused by the movement of subway should take into account an analysis
of the nature of amplitude-frequency at the interface soil-foundation
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